• 7 fresh mint sprigs cut in half so they can fit in the teapot and more for garnish 

  • 1 heaped teaspoon loose gunpowder tea

  • 500ml boiling water 

  • 3 tablespoons caster sugar


• For this recipe, you will need a Moroccan teapot or a stovetop kettle. A stovetop kettle is a kettle you can safely place and use on your stovetop.

• In a clean pot, pour the gunpowder tea and half a cup of the boiled water. Let the tea simmer for a minute and pour out the water in a separate cup. If using a stovetop kettle, strain the water to keep the tealeaves inside the pot. Set this cup aside as it contains the essence of the tea. Don’t discard it.  

• Repeat the same process, pour half a cup of the boiled water in the same teapot but this time, swirl the teapot a couple of times to rinse to the tea leaves. If using a stovetop kettle, strain the water to keep the tealeaves inside the pot. Pour out the water and discard it.

• Now, insert the fresh mint, sugar and first cup of water you set aside earlier. Fill the teapot with the remaining boiled water and let gently simmer over medium-low heat until it comes to a boil. It’s important to let the tea slowly come to a boil to enable the gunpowder tea and fresh mint to steep properly. If you use a Moroccan teapot, you will see steam coming from the teapot when it’s boiling.

• When it comes to a boil, carefully open the teapot and with a large spoon, stir the tea to make sure that the sugar is well dissolved. Serve hot. if using a stovetop kettle, use a small strainer when pouring into each glass to retain the gunpowder tealeaves.

• If desired, place some fresh mint in each tea cup/glass to obtain a stronger fresh mint aroma and to decorate your tea cups/glasses.


• Moroccan mint tea is traditionally very sweet but feel free to adjust the quantity of sugar to your taste.

• Feel free to flavour your Moroccan tea with any other aromatic herb that you like such as verbena and geranium.

• You can find gunpowder tea in most Middle Eastern grocery shops. 
