
  • 250 gr plain flour
  • 200 gr ground almonds
  • 120 gr caster sugar
  • 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 vanilla bean, scraped
  • Pinch salt
  • 150 gr melted butter
  • 150 gr honey
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 4 eggs yolks
  • 6 egg whites


  • 250 gr unsalted butter, softened 
  • 320 gr icing sugar, sifted
  • 80 gr honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 vanilla bean, scraped


  • 180 gr frosting  (1 cup)
  • 140 gr amlou (1cup)

Decoration (optional)

  • Sprinkles



• Preheat oven to 180 C (350 F).

• Grease 3 20 cm (8 inch) cake tins and line their bottoms with baking paper. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, ground almonds, sugar, baking soda, vanilla beans and salt.

• In a separate bowl, mix together the melted butter, honey, vanilla extract and egg yolks. Stir the ingredients until smooth, use a fork if desired. Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and mix to combine making sure that all the dry ingredients are now wet.

• In a large bowl, use an electric whisk to beat the egg whites until stiff. With a large metal spoon, gently and slowly insert the stiffed egg whites into the cake batter.  

• Divide the cake mixture in three equal parts (you can use a scale for a more precise result) and spread each third into the greased cake tins and bake for 20 to 22 minutes. Until the cake is golden and feels spongy to the fingertips and when inserted in the middle of the cake, a skewer comes out a clean.

• Wait until the cakes have cooled before inverting them onto a wire rack.  


• In a large bowl, use an electric whisk (or a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment), to slowly beat the butter and gradually add the sugar, then add the honey, vanilla beans and vanilla extract until smooth and fluffy. 


• In a medium sized bowl, mix together 1 cup amlou and 1 cup frosting until smooth.


• Once the cakes have fully cooled down, you can start assembling. Spread half of the amlou filling onto one of the cakes, (transferring the filling onto a piping bag will help with this process). Stack up another cake on top of the first one and spread the rest of the filing onto the second layer. Stack up the third cake on top of the second one and spread the rest of the frosting over the whole cake. Decorate with sprinkles if desired, serve at room temperature. 
